Sew Kind of Wonderful - 70's and Sunny (Sunny Rays)

467 - WS



We have 2 versions of this iconic pattern.  Both versions are included in the pattern.

70 & Sunny

76" x 76"


(16) 1/4 yard cuts assorted focus fabrics

(8) 1 yard cuts assorted low volume background fabrics

(OR 7-1/4 yards of a single background)

5 yards backing

2/3 yard binding

Quick Curve Ruler

Wonder Curve Ruler

Sew Square 10 (recommended)


Sunny Rays

76" x 76"


(16) 1/2 yard cuts assorted focus fabrics

(11) 1/2 yard cuts assorted neutral background fabrics

(OR 4-1/4 yards of a single background)

5 yards backing

2/3 yard binding

Quick Curve Ruler

Wonder Curve Ruler

Sew Square 10 (recommended)


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